Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Legalizing marijuana Essay - 1375 Words

Legalizing marijuana (Essay Sample) Content: Political scienceName:Tutor:Institution:Date:Legalizing marijuanaIntroductionMarijuana is a classified as a drug under the group of cannabinoid. This is a plant that is utilised for both medicinal and as a psychoactive drug. The legal use of the drug has got significance medicinal value to the user. This is because marijuana can be used to increase appetite to the patients undergoing treatments (Hawken, Kilmer Kliemann, 55). In addition, the drug has got relaxation effect to the kind thus has been legally prescribed for mentally depressed patients. Further, the drug has been prescribed for patients undergoing cancer management practices such as chemotherapy. However, marijuana should be used in moderation and under regulation. This is because abuse of the drug can result to massive physiological and psychological complications to the users. Case study indicate that users who abuse the drug experience memory lapses, extreme food appetite, lack of mental coordination l eading to impaired judgement (Gottfried, 25). Perpetual abuse of the drug can result to complete mental complications and addiction. It is through the process of legalization that aspect of abuse can be eliminated. Various states in America have adopted best practices in marijuana use and distribution. The legalization of the drug facilitates effective regulation and revenue generation. The drug is also beneficial in medical research. This is because various scientists are using the drug to formulate high efficacious drug that can be used to curb depression and pain in the body. In addition, the drug is used to make food materials that rejuvenate the mind of consumers through relaxation. The purpose of the study is to find out the effects of legalizing marijuana.Effects of Legalizing MarijuanaAs a medicinal value, marijuana legalization is paramount. This is because the drug plays an integral part in management of diseases such as cancer, digestive disorders and body pain. In cancer management, marijuana is used to reduce the pain endured during chemotherapy treatment. Research indicates that cancer patients undergo massive pain during the treatment process. The pain is associated with the effects of the drug to the body cells, which overwhelms the immune system. The interference of the immune system creates confusion and healthy complication to the victim (Gottfried, 95). This is exemplified through vomiting and lack of appetite. Therefore, marijuana can be used to curb the chemotherapy treatment manifestations such as vomiting. This occurs through brain stimulation that increases the appetite. Consequently, mental stimulation increases appetite. In addition, the drug offers mind relaxation that reduces devastating effects of chemotherapy drugs. The drug works through active stimulation of psychomotor in the brain creating a short term relaxation effects (Fine, 1). The drug triggers positive effects in the body by increasing the appetite and reducing the pain . Furthermore, the drug has been used to create food materials such as cakes that are used under the prescription of the medical expert. However, consumption of the food materials has healthy effects in the body. This is because the consumers can experience the effects of marijuana under controlled dosage in the food materials. The food materials acts as appetizers and changes the moods of an individual through active stimulation of the brain. It is through increasing the appetite of the user that the health status is improved. It is medically proven that marijuana effects lower the blood pressure. This factor can be used to management various diseases that raises the body pressure. These include hypertension, stroke and glaucoma. The drug has been manufactured and medically prescribed to patients in an effort of treating depression, pain and vomiting. An example of the marijuana drug that is legally sold over the counter includes Marinol. This indicates that legalizing marijuana ca n form a strong medical research and innovations of effective drugs. Marijuana is consumed in various forms ranging from drug tablets to smoking. There is no solid evidence on the effects of smoking marijuana (Newton, 99). The implications of the drug through smoking are mainly associated with behavioural changes and mental complications. However, the research is based on stereotypes on the drug, as opposed to the healthy values in the human body. It is these stereotypes that have made many nations and states in America criminalize the use of marijuana. This has further deteriorated use of the drug as users can easily access the drug without proper regulation. Research indicates that the state and national government are spending high amount of money and resources in tracking use of marijuana drugs. However, the policy implementation on curbing use and selling of marijuana has been unsuccessful. This is because sixty percent of the adult population use marijuana in various ways. The alarming increase in marijuana consumption in United State indicates that the government has failed in implementing effective policy on drug regulation (Turnlund, 8). As a result, the government is incurring massive losses through drug cartels on marijuana sales and use. This is because the high amount of budgetary allocation on drug regulation is non-beneficial to the government. Furthermore, the government is using resources without any returns. On the other hand, the drug lords are benefitting with the high sales of marijuana. Instead, the government can legalization the drug in all states and create effective regulation measures in the use of the drug. This will benefit the nation and improve the economy. This is because best policies will be implemented that regulates the sales of marijuana (Ruschmann, 55). In addition, the government will benefit through the process of taxation in the local and international market. Therefore, the process of legalization aids in improvement o f the health status of the people as it will create a platform for employment. Research stipulates that the majority of the young people are the consumers and distributors of marijuana. Furthermore, the main reason for engagement in the trade of selling marijuana is lack of employment. The government can use marijuana as a source of employment to the people. This will be effectively regulated and create avenues for income generation. This is because the drug has the competitive prices in the market that increases the rate of revenue generation. In addition, the market for the marijuana product is unrivalled and diverse that will reduce cost of marketing. The increased rate of marijuana abuse is because of lack of information on the drug. Therefore, legalization will create a platform that will inform people on effects of marijuana to the human body. The creation of awareness among the citizens will improve their behaviours associated with the use of marijuana. It is through change o f behaviour that the significanc...

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