Sunday, December 29, 2019

My Vacation to Costa Rica Essay - 1669 Words

Costa Rica is a very beautiful and unique place. It was my first time going there and I loved it! It was much different than the United States in ways I didn’t mind or even enjoyed. We saw many things and went many places while we were down there. I am ready to go back again already and do new, exciting things. However, we did a lot while we were down there. Our first stop was San Jose. We arrived late at night, so after we checked into the Don Carlos and found our rooms, a group of us went to go find food. We ended up eating at a pretty fancy restaurant about a block away from the hotel. It was pretty expensive and it was late at night so we got a pizza to go, but this would be nothing like the other things we would eat. The next day we†¦show more content†¦We ate at a restaurant there in which the owner made ox carts. He did all of the woodwork using hydroelectricity with a waterwheel in the back. They were all also hand painted and hand carved pieces. It was very b eautiful. We finally got to Turriabla that night. The next day we went to the college and botanical gardens of CATIE. In the botanical gardens we got to try all of the different fruits grown in Costa Rica. They are all very good and different tasting. Even the mangos and pineapples taste so much better there. Now that we are back I dislike the ones here. One example of something we tried there was called the miracle fruit. It made anything you ate afterwards that was sour taste sweet and it actually worked. We toured the coffee plantation there as well as the college campus and had more traditional Costa Rican food in the cafeteria there. Finally, in Turriabla we went to a fruit market and an ice cream shop and practiced our Spanish. We then prepared for our third stop. San Gerardo De Dota was the next destination of the trip as well as my second favorite. On the way there, we stopped to look at one of their churches. It was beautiful but there was a service going on so we didn†™t want to look around too much and interrupt. We got Costa Rican snow cones which are different than ours but still very good. We stopped for more Costa Rican traditional food an learned of a volcano eruption inShow MoreRelatedVisiting a Third World Country and My Experience There Essay530 Words   |  3 Pagesto eat, when people all over the world were facing these situations as problems. It wasnt until I was sixteen that I realized how blessed I was, when I was given the opportunity to visit San Jose, Costa Rica. It was May 25, 2013 when I, accompanied by my friends, went on a journey that would change my life. We departed ourselves, very early in the morning, from Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport, not knowing what lied before us on this mysterious trip. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

How the American Education System Works Essay example

Throughout the world education will vary and have different standards to what each individual person must meet. It all depends on what priorities that specific educational system contains and what process it follows. The American educational system is very complex and has a lot of standards and requirements that must be followed in order for each individual to have a fair chance at equal education. How the educational system is operated is very important because it can affect many people. Too many people that have not researched the American educational system it will come as a shock to know that it is not a national education system. This means that each state is able to decide its own school policy that it will set as its standard†¦show more content†¦The American educational system is very different than many others around the world. For example the federal government has little involvement with the educational system and its budget. That responsibility falls under the st ate and local government of each state. Along with deciding up to what age students must stay in school, which can be from 16-18 years of age. Further education is up to the student but is very much encouraged by the school board, teachers, and counselors and of course the students’ parents. The educational system is even broken down into smaller components. Each state contains local school districts, which are made up by the local community of certain areas in the state all under the jurisdiction of a school board. School districts do not have a set size or set number of people that it covers. They can cover very small towns to very large and heavily populated towns or cities. Each also contains its own private and public schools. While private schools gather their own budget mainly from tuition that students must pay, usually each month. Public schools relay a large amount on the money from local tax payers. Education level and what is provided at schools also depends on t he area that the school maybe located. Some schools will show greater aspect and what courses are offered and even what after school activities the school may provide. This is all due to the budget that the school has. The wealthier the area theShow MoreRelatedAmerican Education System Of Education852 Words   |  4 Pagesdifficult to understand the American system of education and the how to cope with American students. To make foreign students understand and able to cope with the American higher education system, the author explains some assumption that is behind the education system. He noted that American higher education system has a connection with both the mechanical feature and the cultural beliefs, but not intellectual only as it is in many countries. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Mb0041-Financial and Management Accounting-4 Credits Free Essays

Accounting concepts: Accounting is the language of business. Accounting information has to be suitably recorded classified, summarised and presented. Accountants adopt the following concepts in recording of accounts 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Mb0041-Financial and Management Accounting-4 Credits or any similar topic only for you Order Now Business Entity concept The business unit is treated as a separate and distinct from the persons who owe it.Hence business transactions must be kept completely separate from the private affairs of the owner this concept enables the owner top ascertain the picture of a business. 2. Going concern concept It is assumed that the business will exist for the future and transactions are recorded from this point of view. A firm is said to be a going concern when there is neither the intention nor the necessity to wind up its operation. In other words, it continues to operation at its present scale in foreseeable future. 3. Money Measurement Concept All transactions are expressed and interpreted in terms of money.Accounting records only those transaction, which are being expressed in monetary terms through quantitative records are also kept. 4. Accounting period concept A business is assumed to continue indefinitely. In order to ascertain the state of affairs of the business at different intervals we have to choose the intervals for ascertaining the financial position and operational results at each such interval, which is known as accounting period. 5. Dual Aspect concept Each transaction has two aspects. 1) Debit aspect. 2) Credit aspect. If a business has acquired an asset it must have result,There has been a profit leading to an increase in the amount that the business owes to the proprietor Accounting Principles: The double entry system of accounting is based on a set of principle which is called generally accepted accounting principles. It incorporates the consensus at a particular time as to: †¢Which economic resources and obligations should be recorded as assets and liabilities by financial accounting, †¢Which changes in assets and liabilities should be recorded †¢When these changes are to be recorded, †¢How the assets and liabilities and changes in them should be measured, †¢What information should be disclosed and Which financial statement should be prepared. Q . 2 Pass Journal entries for the following transactions. Solution: Journal DateParticulars LfDebitCredit Cash A/C Dr To capital A/C (Being Madan invested in business) Purchase A/c Dr To cash A/C (Being credit purchases) Drawing A/C Dr To cash A/C (Being cash withdrawn for personal use) Purchase A/C Dr To cash A/C (Being cash purchase)Wages A/C Dr To cash A/C (Being wages paid)70000 14000 3000 12000 5000 70000 14000 3000 12000 5000 Q. 3Explain the various types of errors disclosed by trial balance Ans: Those errors that can be disclosed by trial balance can easily be located. As soon as the trial balance does not tally, the accountant can proceed to find out the spots where the errors might have been committed. The total amount of difference in the trial balance is temporarily transferred to a â€Å"Suspense Account â€Å"so that it can be mitigated as and when the error get rectified.Therefore the suspense account get debited or credited as the case may be on rectification of these types of error. The following are errors: a) Posting a wrong amount; This mistake may occur while posting an entry from subsidiary book to ledger. b) Posting to the wrong side of an account: This error is committed while posting entries from subsidiary book to ledger. c) Wrong totalling: Both under casting and over casting are detected by trial balance. if any account is wrongly totalled, it gets reflected in the trial balance. ) Omitting to post an entry from subsidiary book to ledger: If an entry made in the subsidiary book does not get posted to ledger, the trial balance does not tally. e)Omission of an account altogether from being I shown in trial balance. f) Posting an amount to a correct account more than once; This result is imbalance in trial balance. g) Posting an item to the same side of two different ledger accounts: If two accounts are debited/credited for the same transaction, this type of error occurs. Q. 4 From the following balances extracted from trail balance, prepare trading Account. Solution: The closing stock at the end of the period is Rs. 6000 TRADING ACCOUNT FOR THE YEAR ENDING—— Dr Particulars Rs Cr Particulars Rs To stock on 1-1-200470700 To purchase 102000 (-) Returns Outwards 3000 99000By sales 250000 (-)Returns Inwards 3000 247000 To carriage inwards5000By closing stock56000 To import duty6000 To clearing charges7000 To Royalty10000 To Fire Insurance2000 To Wages8000 To Gas,electricity,water4000 To GROSS PROFIT91300 TOTAL303000TOTAL303000 Q. 5Differentiate Financial Accounting and management accounting. Ans: S. NoBasis of differenceFinancial accountingManagement Accounting 1. . 3. 4. 5. 6. Object Nature Subject matter Compulsion Precision ReportingTo record various transaction in order to know the financial position. It is helpful to share holders, creditors, bankers etc. It is mainly concerned with the historical data. It is concerned with assessing the results of the whole business. It is compulsory in certain undertakings Actual figures are recorded and there is no room for using approximate figures It is prepared to find out profitability and financial position of the concern. It is useful for outsiders. To help the management in formulating policies and plans.It deals with the projection of data for the future. It deals separately with different units, Department and cost centres. It is not compulsory No employee is given to actual figures. the approximate figures are more useful than the exact figures It is only for internal use. Q. 6 Following is the Balance sheet of M/s Srinivas Ltd. you are required to prepare a fund flow statement. How to cite Mb0041-Financial and Management Accounting-4 Credits, Papers